Weddings at Beulah
The Sanctuary of Beulah Presbyterian Church is available for church weddings.
Please contact the church office for more information. We invite you to worship with us on a Sunday morning to see if our space and Pastor are a good fit for you and the wedding you are planning.
Summary of building use fees for various areas in the church:
- Sanctuary - $500
- Damage Deposit- $300.00 (refundable)
- Beulah Wedding Coordinator- $150.00
- Ramsey Building Gym - $200.00
- Ramsey Building meeting room - $200.00
Wedding Policy and Information
Beulah Presbyterian Church – Louisville, Kentucky
Updated January 2017; Editorial Revisions June 2018
IntroductionMarriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the wellbeing of the entire human family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible members of the church and the wider community.
In civil law, marriage is a contract that recognizes the rights and obligations of the married couple in society. In the Reformed tradition, marriage is also a covenant in which God has an active part, and which the community of faith publicly witnesses and acknowledges. (§W-4.0601 Book of Order, Presbyterian Church U.S.A.)
We believe that all who come to this church will recognize the marriage ceremony as a service of worship. The conduct of the ceremony should therefore be in accord with the best known practices and principles of the Presbyterian Church and the Reformed tradition. We request that all who participate in a wedding service regard this as a service of worship, and that their conduct reflect this understanding.
It is the position of the officers of this congregation that all couples who come desiring a Christian marriage ceremony have already indicated their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and are committed to some particular Christian fellowship. Those who desire to use the facilities of Beulah Presbyterian Church for their wedding service may do so, providing they fulfill all the requirements for the respectful and reverent use of the facilities, under the direction of the pastor and staff.
Normally, the pastor of Beulah Presbyterian Church will conduct all weddings at the Church. Exceptions to this normal policy can be made at the discretion of the pastor, in consultation with the Session as necessary.
PreparationAny fitting ceremony requires time and effort to be properly conducted. Early planning is essential to assure the availability of the facilities and to be confident that the time of the minister and staff are available. Couples are requested to meet three to four times with the pastor for premarital counseling and service planning. The pastor also requests that couples participate in the worship life of Beulah Presbyterian Church, if they are not active in another Christian fellowship.
The premarital counseling consists of couples participating in exercises to explore their families of origin and how their experiences there may impact their marriage. Couples will take time to discuss these issues at home and in meetings with the pastor. Couples will be asked to write a mission statement for their marriage, which will inform the wedding ceremony and may be used in the future to help them move through any challenges that arise.
Other topics typically in premarital counseling include a discussion on the nature of the couple's Christian commitment; the legal requirements of the commonwealth of Kentucky; the privileges and responsibilities of Christian marriage; the relationship of their commitments to their lives of discipleship; the resources of the faith and the Christian community to assist them in fulfilling their marriage commitments; and the nature and form of the marriage service itself. The celebration of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion or Eucharist can be included in the service, as long as the Table is open to the entire worshipping congregation. Please check early with the pastor if this is desired, as approval of the Session (local church governing body) is required.
The following church facilities are available for use:
DecorationsDecorations in the Sanctuary can be as simple or as elaborate as the couple desires. It is hoped that all decorations shall be with simplicity and will complement the architectural beauty of the church. No chancel furniture can be moved, and none of the focal points of the chancel can be hidden. Only mechanical (encased) candles are permitted in the sanctuary, with the exception of the Unity Candle (if desired). Unity candles and unity candle stands are the sole responsibility of the wedding couple; these can be rented from most florists. The cleaning of any wax drippings or any other unusual litter is the responsibility of the florist or decorator. If candle stands are placed on any of the carpeting, clear plastic sheets or Plexiglas must be used to prevent wax dripping on the carpeting. The use of tape must be without damage to the finish or the fixtures. The florist, or those responsible for decorating, shall remove all decorations immediately after the wedding.
The pastor ordinarily uses the Lord's Table in the Chancel for a portion of the wedding service liturgy, usually the exchange of vows and rings, prayers, announcement of marriage and benediction. So, if floral arrangements are to be placed on the Table, there should be two such arrangements, placed at the ends of the Table, so the center area is open and available for use during the service.
PhotographersCouples are encouraged to secure the services of a photographer. There are some restrictions for professional photographers, as well as for amateurs, in keeping with the wedding as a service of worship. No flash pictures may be taken during the actual ceremony. Professional photographers are limited to flash pictures as the wedding party enters and leaves the sanctuary. Non-flash and time exposures may be taken from the balcony during the ceremony. Other pictures of the ceremony can be "staged" after the wedding service is over.
The use of video cameras is permitted from a stationary point. Please speak with officiating pastor regarding an appropriate location for the video camera.
RehearsalsRehearsals are essential. The time of rehearsal can be set at the first conference with the pastor. A typical wedding rehearsal lasts one hour. Consideration will be given to other church functions and other wedding festivities in setting the time of rehearsal. All participants, including parents of the couple, are encouraged to be on time for the rehearsal. The couple should bring the Marriage License to the rehearsal so that it may be properly completed and mailed to the county clerk.
MusicA wedding service is an act of worship. All music selected for this service must be chosen in consultation with the organist and/or the pastor. The couple should be in touch with the organist at least three months prior to the wedding to make musical selections. The music selected should direct attention to God, who gives us the gift of love and marriage. It should prepare the congregation for worship and the celebration of marriage. Some styles of musical expression may be more appropriate for the wedding reception rather than the service. The final approval of all music shall rest with the organist and the pastor.
The Church Organist shall play at all weddings, and shall approve any other organist in any case wherein the Church Organist is not available. Please consult the Wedding Fee and Honoraria Schedule for these and other costs.
ReservationsSpecific dates for the wedding and rehearsal can be confirmed only after the couple has consulted with the church secretary and the pastor, and the church has received the $300 deposit. Please consult the Wedding Fee and Honoraria Schedule.
RestrictionsRice, confetti or birdseed is not permitted in any building on church property. Birdseed may be used in the parking lot area only. Smoking is not permitted inside any building. No alcoholic beverages are allowed anywhere on the church property, including the church parking lots.
Church Address, Telephone numbers, Email, Web Page and Staff Information
*All mail must be sent to the P.O. Box
Beulah Presbyterian Church
6704 Bardstown Road (at the corner of Bardstown and Beulah Church Roads)
P. O. Box 91072
Louisville, Kentucky 40291
Church Office: 502-239-3231
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web page:
Secretary Carol Daugherty 239-3231 [email protected]
Wedding Fees and Honoraria Schedule
Facilities UsageThere is no charge for any of the facilities if one of the couple is an active member of the Church, active in both the work and worship of the church, over a reasonable period of time. The Honoraria fees must be paid for services for both members and non-members. The rental charges for those who are not church members are as follows:
Sanctuary: $500.00
Fireside / Memorial Room / Kitchen (Ramsey Building): $ 200.00
Ramsey Gym with kitchen (Ramsey Building): $300.00
Damage Deposit: $300.00
Those who use the kitchen in the Ramsey Building are responsible for cleaning it and all utensils and leaving it in proper order.
A $300 deposit is due to the church office in order to reserve your wedding date on the church’s calendar. No plans will be made until this deposit is received.
For members, this deposit will be returned after the wedding, ensuring there is no damage or additional cleaning needed in the church.
For non-members, this fee is non-refundable and will be applied to your total facility usage fee. This deposit is in addition to the Damage Deposit, which will be refunded one week after the wedding, if there are no damages in the building or on the property.
Janitorial Services Honoraria
Janitorial services are required for all facilities.
Sanctuary: $150.00
If paying by check, please make it payable to our custodian.
*Fireside Room/Memorial Room: $50.00/each room
If paying by check, please make it payable to our custodian.
*Ramsey Gym: $175.00
If paying by check, please make it payable to our custodian.
Church members may opt to open, set up, clean up, and close any Ramsey Building Room at no charge for janitorial services. All members, non-members and staff are required to pay for janitorial services for the Sanctuary.
Beulah Wedding Coordinator Honoraria
The fee for the Beulah Wedding Coordinator is $150. If paying by check, please make the check out to the Coordinator as supplied to you by the church secretary or the pastor of Beulah Presbyterian Church.
The Beulah Wedding Coordinator will open the building for the rehearsal and the wedding, offer assistance to the wedding party and family as needed, and handle needs related to the space at the rehearsal and on the day of the wedding. The Wedding Coordinator will also assist the pastor in organizing the processional and recessional parts of the service. You are welcome to bring your own Wedding Coordinator to the service who can work with Beulah staff, but the Beulah Wedding Coordinator is not an optional service.
Sound System Manager Honoraria
The fee for the Beulah Sound System Manager is $150. If paying by check, please make the check out to the Sound System Manager as supplied to you by the church secretary or the pastor of Beulah Presbyterian Church.
The Sound System Manager will run our sound board during your wedding, ensuring that the pastor, readers, soloists and/or musicians are all heard well throughout the sanctuary.
Organist and Pastor Honoraria
The honorarium for the organist is listed below and should be written directly to the organist, if paying by check.
For a wedding and rehearsal $300.00
For a wedding and rehearsal with a soloist $350.00
The honorarium for a pastor is an expression of appreciation for her or his participation and time given in premarital counseling, the rehearsal, and the day of the wedding. A minimum honorarium for the pastor officiating at the ceremony is given below. Checks should be made out to the pastor directly.
For non-church members: $400.00
For church members: at the discretion of the church member
PaymentsPayment for all services must be received no later than seven days before the wedding rehearsal. Please bring these checks, written to the appropriate parties listed in this document or provided to you by the church secretary or pastor, to the church at 6704 Bardstown Road or mail them to Beulah Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 91072, Louisville, KY 40291.
List of all payments, due to the church office 7 days before the rehearsal:
Facilities Usage - Remainder of Usage Fee and Damage Deposit
Wedding Coordinator
Sound System Coordinator
In the case of financial hardship, please speak with the pastor about the above fees and honoraria.
(End of Wedding Policy & Information)
Beulah Presbyterian Church – Louisville, Kentucky
Updated January 2017; Editorial Revisions June 2018
IntroductionMarriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the wellbeing of the entire human family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible members of the church and the wider community.
In civil law, marriage is a contract that recognizes the rights and obligations of the married couple in society. In the Reformed tradition, marriage is also a covenant in which God has an active part, and which the community of faith publicly witnesses and acknowledges. (§W-4.0601 Book of Order, Presbyterian Church U.S.A.)
We believe that all who come to this church will recognize the marriage ceremony as a service of worship. The conduct of the ceremony should therefore be in accord with the best known practices and principles of the Presbyterian Church and the Reformed tradition. We request that all who participate in a wedding service regard this as a service of worship, and that their conduct reflect this understanding.
It is the position of the officers of this congregation that all couples who come desiring a Christian marriage ceremony have already indicated their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and are committed to some particular Christian fellowship. Those who desire to use the facilities of Beulah Presbyterian Church for their wedding service may do so, providing they fulfill all the requirements for the respectful and reverent use of the facilities, under the direction of the pastor and staff.
Normally, the pastor of Beulah Presbyterian Church will conduct all weddings at the Church. Exceptions to this normal policy can be made at the discretion of the pastor, in consultation with the Session as necessary.
PreparationAny fitting ceremony requires time and effort to be properly conducted. Early planning is essential to assure the availability of the facilities and to be confident that the time of the minister and staff are available. Couples are requested to meet three to four times with the pastor for premarital counseling and service planning. The pastor also requests that couples participate in the worship life of Beulah Presbyterian Church, if they are not active in another Christian fellowship.
The premarital counseling consists of couples participating in exercises to explore their families of origin and how their experiences there may impact their marriage. Couples will take time to discuss these issues at home and in meetings with the pastor. Couples will be asked to write a mission statement for their marriage, which will inform the wedding ceremony and may be used in the future to help them move through any challenges that arise.
Other topics typically in premarital counseling include a discussion on the nature of the couple's Christian commitment; the legal requirements of the commonwealth of Kentucky; the privileges and responsibilities of Christian marriage; the relationship of their commitments to their lives of discipleship; the resources of the faith and the Christian community to assist them in fulfilling their marriage commitments; and the nature and form of the marriage service itself. The celebration of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion or Eucharist can be included in the service, as long as the Table is open to the entire worshipping congregation. Please check early with the pastor if this is desired, as approval of the Session (local church governing body) is required.
The following church facilities are available for use:
- Sanctuary: maximum seating capacity approximately 400 people.
- Bride’s Room: just off the Church Lobby, for the bride and her attendants.
- Fireside Room and/or Memorial Room: located in the Ramsey Building, with a capacity of approximately 75.
- Gymnasium: located in the Ramsey Building with a capacity of approximately 600.
- Kitchen: located in the Ramsey Building, adjacent to the Fireside Room and the Gymnasium, with two large ovens, 6 stove-top burners, large grill, large freezer, refrigerator, food warmer and large worktable area.
DecorationsDecorations in the Sanctuary can be as simple or as elaborate as the couple desires. It is hoped that all decorations shall be with simplicity and will complement the architectural beauty of the church. No chancel furniture can be moved, and none of the focal points of the chancel can be hidden. Only mechanical (encased) candles are permitted in the sanctuary, with the exception of the Unity Candle (if desired). Unity candles and unity candle stands are the sole responsibility of the wedding couple; these can be rented from most florists. The cleaning of any wax drippings or any other unusual litter is the responsibility of the florist or decorator. If candle stands are placed on any of the carpeting, clear plastic sheets or Plexiglas must be used to prevent wax dripping on the carpeting. The use of tape must be without damage to the finish or the fixtures. The florist, or those responsible for decorating, shall remove all decorations immediately after the wedding.
The pastor ordinarily uses the Lord's Table in the Chancel for a portion of the wedding service liturgy, usually the exchange of vows and rings, prayers, announcement of marriage and benediction. So, if floral arrangements are to be placed on the Table, there should be two such arrangements, placed at the ends of the Table, so the center area is open and available for use during the service.
PhotographersCouples are encouraged to secure the services of a photographer. There are some restrictions for professional photographers, as well as for amateurs, in keeping with the wedding as a service of worship. No flash pictures may be taken during the actual ceremony. Professional photographers are limited to flash pictures as the wedding party enters and leaves the sanctuary. Non-flash and time exposures may be taken from the balcony during the ceremony. Other pictures of the ceremony can be "staged" after the wedding service is over.
The use of video cameras is permitted from a stationary point. Please speak with officiating pastor regarding an appropriate location for the video camera.
RehearsalsRehearsals are essential. The time of rehearsal can be set at the first conference with the pastor. A typical wedding rehearsal lasts one hour. Consideration will be given to other church functions and other wedding festivities in setting the time of rehearsal. All participants, including parents of the couple, are encouraged to be on time for the rehearsal. The couple should bring the Marriage License to the rehearsal so that it may be properly completed and mailed to the county clerk.
MusicA wedding service is an act of worship. All music selected for this service must be chosen in consultation with the organist and/or the pastor. The couple should be in touch with the organist at least three months prior to the wedding to make musical selections. The music selected should direct attention to God, who gives us the gift of love and marriage. It should prepare the congregation for worship and the celebration of marriage. Some styles of musical expression may be more appropriate for the wedding reception rather than the service. The final approval of all music shall rest with the organist and the pastor.
The Church Organist shall play at all weddings, and shall approve any other organist in any case wherein the Church Organist is not available. Please consult the Wedding Fee and Honoraria Schedule for these and other costs.
ReservationsSpecific dates for the wedding and rehearsal can be confirmed only after the couple has consulted with the church secretary and the pastor, and the church has received the $300 deposit. Please consult the Wedding Fee and Honoraria Schedule.
RestrictionsRice, confetti or birdseed is not permitted in any building on church property. Birdseed may be used in the parking lot area only. Smoking is not permitted inside any building. No alcoholic beverages are allowed anywhere on the church property, including the church parking lots.
Church Address, Telephone numbers, Email, Web Page and Staff Information
*All mail must be sent to the P.O. Box
Beulah Presbyterian Church
6704 Bardstown Road (at the corner of Bardstown and Beulah Church Roads)
P. O. Box 91072
Louisville, Kentucky 40291
Church Office: 502-239-3231
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web page:
Secretary Carol Daugherty 239-3231 [email protected]
Wedding Fees and Honoraria Schedule
Facilities UsageThere is no charge for any of the facilities if one of the couple is an active member of the Church, active in both the work and worship of the church, over a reasonable period of time. The Honoraria fees must be paid for services for both members and non-members. The rental charges for those who are not church members are as follows:
Sanctuary: $500.00
Fireside / Memorial Room / Kitchen (Ramsey Building): $ 200.00
Ramsey Gym with kitchen (Ramsey Building): $300.00
Damage Deposit: $300.00
Those who use the kitchen in the Ramsey Building are responsible for cleaning it and all utensils and leaving it in proper order.
A $300 deposit is due to the church office in order to reserve your wedding date on the church’s calendar. No plans will be made until this deposit is received.
For members, this deposit will be returned after the wedding, ensuring there is no damage or additional cleaning needed in the church.
For non-members, this fee is non-refundable and will be applied to your total facility usage fee. This deposit is in addition to the Damage Deposit, which will be refunded one week after the wedding, if there are no damages in the building or on the property.
Janitorial Services Honoraria
Janitorial services are required for all facilities.
Sanctuary: $150.00
If paying by check, please make it payable to our custodian.
*Fireside Room/Memorial Room: $50.00/each room
If paying by check, please make it payable to our custodian.
*Ramsey Gym: $175.00
If paying by check, please make it payable to our custodian.
Church members may opt to open, set up, clean up, and close any Ramsey Building Room at no charge for janitorial services. All members, non-members and staff are required to pay for janitorial services for the Sanctuary.
Beulah Wedding Coordinator Honoraria
The fee for the Beulah Wedding Coordinator is $150. If paying by check, please make the check out to the Coordinator as supplied to you by the church secretary or the pastor of Beulah Presbyterian Church.
The Beulah Wedding Coordinator will open the building for the rehearsal and the wedding, offer assistance to the wedding party and family as needed, and handle needs related to the space at the rehearsal and on the day of the wedding. The Wedding Coordinator will also assist the pastor in organizing the processional and recessional parts of the service. You are welcome to bring your own Wedding Coordinator to the service who can work with Beulah staff, but the Beulah Wedding Coordinator is not an optional service.
Sound System Manager Honoraria
The fee for the Beulah Sound System Manager is $150. If paying by check, please make the check out to the Sound System Manager as supplied to you by the church secretary or the pastor of Beulah Presbyterian Church.
The Sound System Manager will run our sound board during your wedding, ensuring that the pastor, readers, soloists and/or musicians are all heard well throughout the sanctuary.
Organist and Pastor Honoraria
The honorarium for the organist is listed below and should be written directly to the organist, if paying by check.
For a wedding and rehearsal $300.00
For a wedding and rehearsal with a soloist $350.00
The honorarium for a pastor is an expression of appreciation for her or his participation and time given in premarital counseling, the rehearsal, and the day of the wedding. A minimum honorarium for the pastor officiating at the ceremony is given below. Checks should be made out to the pastor directly.
For non-church members: $400.00
For church members: at the discretion of the church member
PaymentsPayment for all services must be received no later than seven days before the wedding rehearsal. Please bring these checks, written to the appropriate parties listed in this document or provided to you by the church secretary or pastor, to the church at 6704 Bardstown Road or mail them to Beulah Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 91072, Louisville, KY 40291.
List of all payments, due to the church office 7 days before the rehearsal:
Facilities Usage - Remainder of Usage Fee and Damage Deposit
Wedding Coordinator
Sound System Coordinator
In the case of financial hardship, please speak with the pastor about the above fees and honoraria.
(End of Wedding Policy & Information)