About Us
Beulah Presbyterian Church embraces friendship in Christ as we reach out in mission and run the race of faith.
Beulah includes families, single people, younger and older adults, children, and youth. We are focused on living our faith in the community, learning about God, and nurturing one another in good times and bad. In 2018, Beulah celebrates 150 years of ministry in the Fern Creek area of Louisville. As we give thanks for our past, we look forward to the new ways God is inviting us into ministry and mission for the coming years. Learn more about our Ministries or consider Visiting Us on a Sunday morning for worship.
Beulah includes families, single people, younger and older adults, children, and youth. We are focused on living our faith in the community, learning about God, and nurturing one another in good times and bad. In 2018, Beulah celebrates 150 years of ministry in the Fern Creek area of Louisville. As we give thanks for our past, we look forward to the new ways God is inviting us into ministry and mission for the coming years. Learn more about our Ministries or consider Visiting Us on a Sunday morning for worship.