We hope to offer a spirit of welcome and belonging to all who visit with us.
You are welcome to join us for worship anytime – come as you are! Included here is some basic information that might be helpful in advance of your visit. If you don’t find what you are looking for, give us a call at 502-239-3231. Click for map and directions. JOIN US FOR WORSHIP
We worship at 10:30am in the Sanctuary. The worship service generally lasts about an hour. We hope that our worship is meaningful for people with a wide variety of life experiences. Our church includes people with a range of theological and political opinions. Through our worship and Christian Education, we seek to discuss how Scripture interacts with the current issues of our day and respect a variety of viewpoints. We believe that our faith is involved in our personal lives, as well as our lives outside of the church. We would love for you to share the journey of faith with us! |
At the beginning of the service, a folder is passed for all worshipers to sign. We call this the “Who’s Who in the Pew” pad. We encourage everyone to leave ways for us to be in touch to offer a more personal welcome during the week. Your email, phone number and address are helpful to do so. We won’t share your information with anyone; its use is limited to our ministry of hospitality. We don’t ask visitors to be identified in any public way, but we do want to be welcoming to all who visit our faith community. |
Children aged 5 and below are invited to stay for the whole service. Prayground is an area in the sanctuary that is designed for children to use during worship. The children sit at a table near the front of the worship space so they can see what is happening in worship. Nursery workers or parents sit with the children and assist them with activities using educational and creative materials that are linked to the focus of the worship service. Worship activity bags are available in the back of the sanctuary that offer faith activities for children on the Sundays when they may be sitting with their family during the service. Rocking chairs are available in the back of the sanctuary for those who may be more comfortable holding, rocking, or nursing a child there than in the pews. ACCESSIBILITY
Beulah Church has good accessibility. Handicapped parking spots are available near the church building and in front of the Ramsey Activity building. For worship, you can enter through the Main Entrance by following signs to the Church Office. An automatic door is located at that Entrance and at our Preschool entrance. If you want to go directly to the sanctuary, take a left upon entering and remain on the main level as you go through the double doors. If you want to stop in the restroom or go to the Christian Education area or office, take the ramp on the right, which will lead you to that level. The Ramsey Activity Building is also accessible; the second floor may be accessed by a ramp, which faces Beulah Church Road. WHAT TO WEAR
We invite you to come in what makes you comfortable. You’ll find a range of clothing among our members and friends, from jeans and t-shirts to jackets and skirts. |
Enter the church parking lot through the entrance on Bardstown Road or Beulah Church Road. Park anywhere you like. Entrances are located on the side of the building that faces away from Bardstown Road. The Main Entrance, closest to the sanctuary, is located near the Handicapped Parking spots – follow signs to the Church Office or come in through the large, stained glass doors. |
Adult Sunday Book Class: Sundays - 9:15-10:00 a.m. in the Library.
Adult Sunday Book Class: Sundays - 9:15-10:00 a.m. in the Library.
Our community normally gathers in the entrance area for cookies and coffee when the worship service ends and enjoys catching up with one another and meeting new faces. This opportunity is currently suspended, but we hope you will join us outside the building following worship and get to know us a little better! |