We are called by God to be good stewards of our resources. This includes not only our financial resources but our time and our talents. We invite you to join us to support this work of our congregation in whatever way best suits you.
Pledged Giving-Many of our members support the work and ministry of the church with a yearly pledge. You can contact us to have an ACH drawn from your checking account, or you may send your offering in the mail, or you can use the Give Now button below.
PC(USA) Designated Giving-Beulah is a Five for Five Congregation, supporting the denominations Special Offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Peacemaking & Global Witness Offering, and Christmas Joy Offering; AND we support the denomination through our shared mission support and per capita contributions.
Beulah Designated Giving-We support the particular mission goals of Beulah through giving to: Fern Creek Highview Community Ministry, The Open Table, Presbyterian Women, Pastor Discretion, and our monthly designated offerings including the Youth Fund and the Ben Watson Youth Fund.
Sharing my Time/Talents-Please reach out and tell us how you want to help today!
We invite you to join us a friend or as a member. You can contribute via the button below or you can send a check to the church office. Beulah Presbyterian Church, PO Box 91072, Louisville, KY 40291.